In Islam, every action, no matter how small, is encouraged to begin with a prayer (dua) to seek Allah’s blessings and protection. The act of intimacy between a husband and wife is no exception. There is a specific dua that is recited before engaging in marital relations to invoke Allah’s blessings and safeguard oneself and one’s offspring from the influence of Shaytan (Satan).
The Dua Before Intimacy

Translation: “In the name of Allah, O Allah! Keep us away from Shaytan and keep Shaytan away from what you bless us with (i.e., our offspring).”
This dua holds immense importance as it not only seeks protection during the act but also prays for the safety and piety of future offspring. By reciting this, Muslims hope to shield their marital life and children from evil influences.
Significance of the Humbistari ki dua
This dua is a way to ensure that the act of intimacy is kept pure and free from the interference of Shaytan. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the recitation of this dua before intimacy to protect both the couple and their future progeny from harm.
Barish Ki Dua: Prayers to Allah for Rain |
Dua for Parents: A Heartfelt Prayer |
Musibat Se Bachne Ki Dua |
Hajat Ki Dua: Your Prayer for Every Need |
Benefits of Reciting the Dua
- Protection from Shaytan: The dua is a shield against Shaytan’s interference during the marital act.
- Blessings for Future Children: It asks Allah to protect the children that may come from this union, ensuring they are not influenced by evil.
- Seeking Allah’s Pleasure: Starting the act in Allah’s name invites His blessings and makes the act an expression of love in line with Islamic values.
How and When to Recite Humbistari ki dua
The dua should be recited by the husband before engaging in marital relations. This ensures protection and blessings for the act and any offspring that may result from it.
Importance of Reciting Humbistari ki dua
The dua is not only a way to protect the act of intimacy but also to show gratitude to Allah for His blessings. It helps in maintaining a strong bond between husband and wife by keeping their union free from negative influences.
: This dua should be recited right before engaging in marital relations to seek protection from Shaytan and to ask for Allah’s blessings.
Reciting the dua protects both the couple and their offspring from Shaytan’s interference and brings blessings to the act.
No, the dua can be recited quietly in the heart or in a low voice. The key is to have sincere intentions.
This dua is a simple yet profound act of devotion that transforms an intimate moment into one of spiritual significance. It not only protects the couple from harm but also ensures that their future lineage remains blessed.