Allahumma inni as aluka dua | اللهم إني أسألك دعا

allahumma inni as aluka dua

The dua Allahumma Inni As aluka is a beautiful and comprehensive supplication that Muslims recite to seek Allah’s goodness and protection. This dua asks for blessings in every aspect of life, refuge from harm, and guidance toward righteousness. In this article, we’ll explore the Arabic text, English and Urdu translations, and the significance of this … Read more

Dant Dard ki dua | dua for tooth pain in Urdu

dant dard ki dua

Dant Dard ki dua is an extremely important matter that can affect anyone. Toothache can often occur due to incorrect eating habits or stomach-related issues. Tooth pain is commonly experienced in children because they consume sweet items, leading to tooth decay. Most often, worms infest the teeth, causing toothaches. Many people seek treatment by visiting … Read more

Dua for New Clothes: A Prayer

dua for new clothes

Introduction When wearing new clothes, it is important in Islam to express gratitude to Allah and seek His blessings. The practice is not only a way of acknowledging His provisions but also of seeking His protection from any potential harm. The specific dua for new clothes embodies this act of gratitude and mindfulness. Reciting this … Read more

Kabristan Mein Dakhil Hone Ki Dua

kabristan mein dakhil hone ki dua

Visiting a graveyard is a solemn reminder of the temporary nature of life and the certainty of death. In Islam, there are specific duas (prayers) that Muslims recite when visiting graves. These duas not only seek forgiveness for the deceased but also reflect upon the afterlife and the importance of living a righteous life. One … Read more

Dua for Parents: A Heartfelt Prayer 🙏

dua for parents

Caring for parents is one of the most emphasized duties in Islam, and there are many beautiful supplications (duas) made for parents in the Quran and Hadith. One of the most significant and heartfelt prayers for parents comes from Surah Al-Isra (17:24), where Allah encourages us to pray for our parents as they showed mercy … Read more

Wallahu Khairur Raziqin | وَاللّٰهُ خَيْرُ الرّٰزِقِيْنَ

wallahu khairur raziqin

In the Islamic faith, one of the beautiful attributes of Allah is Al-Razzaq, meaning the Provider. A phrase often referenced in the Quran and recited by Muslims worldwide is Wallahu Khairur Raziqin (وَاللّٰهُ خَيْرُ الرّٰزِقِيْنَ), which translates to And Allah is the best of providers. This phrase embodies a deep reminder that sustenance, in all … Read more

Rabbana Atina Fid Dunya Dua

rabbana atina fid dunya

Dua is a vital part of a believer’s life, a direct way to connect with Allah and ask for blessings, guidance, and protection. Among the many supplications in the Quran, one of the most beloved and widely recited is Rabbana Atina Fid Dunya Hasanatan wa Fil Aakhirati Hasanatan wa Qina Adhab an-Nar (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:201). … Read more

Dua e Qunoot witr | دعا قنوت وتر

dua e qunoot witr

In the tapestry of Islamic prayers, Dua e Qunoot witr emerges as a poignant thread, weaving its significance into the fabric of worship. This unique supplication, often uttered during the Witr prayer, becomes a spiritual compass for those seeking Allah’s mercy, guidance, and protective embrace. Connecting through Dua e Qunoot: Dua e Qunoot isn’t just … Read more

Good Morning Dua in English

good morning dua in english

Good morning dua is a powerful invocation recited upon waking up, expressing gratitude to Allah Almighty for the blessings of a new day. It serves as a spiritual foundation for the day ahead, setting a positive tone and seeking divine guidance. The Significance of a Good Morning Dua Popular Good Morning Duas in English While … Read more