Islam stands upon a foundation of core beliefs, and the 4th Kalma, or Declaration of Faith, serves as a cornerstone. This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of Islamic faith and serves as a guiding light for Muslims worldwide.
The Meaning Behind the Words:
These two sentences hold immense significance:
- Tawheed (Oneness of God): The first sentence emphasizes the core principle of Islam – Tawheed. It declares the absolute oneness and indivisibility of God. There are no other deities worthy of worship, only Allah.
- Prophethood of Muhammad: The second sentence acknowledges the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the final messenger sent by Allah to guide humanity.
The Significance of the 4th Kalma Tauheed:
The 4th Kalma transcends mere words; it’s a lifelong commitment. By reciting and believing in it, Muslims:
- Declare their faith: Uttering the 4th Kalma signifies formal conversion to Islam.
- Embrace Tawheed: It serves as a constant reminder of the importance of worshipping only Allah.
- Commit to following Muhammad’s teachings: Acknowledging Muhammad’s prophethood signifies a dedication to following his teachings and the Quran as a guide for life.
Living the 4th Kalma Tauheed:
The impact of the 4th Kalma extends beyond the act of recitation. It shapes a Muslim’s daily life in profound ways:
- Prayer and Devotion: The call to prayer (Adhan) incorporates the 4th Kalma, reminding Muslims throughout the day of their dedication to Allah and the message brought by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
- Ethical Living: Following the teachings of Muhammad (peace be upon him) promotes honesty, compassion, and good deeds.
- Strengthening Connection with God: The 4th Kalma serves as a constant reminder of their faith and their relationship with Allah.
Personal Connection (Optional):
Here you can share a personal story or anecdote (if you have one) about how the 4th Kalma has impacted your life or the life of someone you know.
The 4th Kalma Tauheed is a powerful declaration of faith and a cornerstone of Islamic belief. It serves as a guiding principle for a life devoted to Allah, influencing everything from worship and ethical conduct to daily traditions. By understanding and internalizing its meaning, Muslims can build a strong foundation for their faith and navigate life’s challenges with unwavering conviction.
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“کلمہ توحید ایک اہم اسلامی تصدیق ہے جو مسلمانوں کی ایمان کی بنیاد ہے۔ اس کلمے میں الله کی واحدیت کی شہادت دی جاتی ہے. اور محمد (صلی الله علیہ وآلہ وسلم) کو الله کے رسول کرار دی جاتی ہے۔
یہ کلمہ ایمان کی تصدیق کا اظہار ہوتا ہے . اور اس کا قبول مسلمانوں کی زندگی کے تمام پہلوؤں پر اثر انداز ہوتا ہے. جیسے عبادت، اخلاقیات، اور روزمرہ کی روایات۔
کلمہ توحید اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں ایمان کی اہمیت کو سمجھاتا ہے . اور مسلمانوں کو الله کے ساتھ ایک مضبوط رشتے کی تعمیر کرنے کی راہ میں ہدایت دیتا ہے۔
اس کلمے کا قبول مسلمانوں کو ایمان کی تصدیق کرنے کی سرانجام دیتا ہے . اور ان کی روزمرہ زندگی کو اسلامی اصولوں کے مطابق چلانے کی تعبیر ہوتی ہے۔
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
4th Kalma Tauheed pic

4th Kalma Tauheed with full details
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
4 Kalma Tauheed in Arabic:
لا إله إلا الله، وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو حي لا يموت، بيده الخير وهو على كل شيء قدير
4th Kalma in Urdu words
اس کلمے کا معنی ہے: الله کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں، وہ بے شریک ہیں. ان کی ملکیت ہے اور ان کی تمیز کی حمد ہے، وہ زندگی دیتے ہیں اور موت دیتے ہیں. اور وہ ہمیشہ زندہ رہتے ہیں.سب بھلائی ان کی ہاتھ میں ہے، اور وہ ہر چیز پر قادر ہیں۔
4th Kalma Tauheed transliteration
La ilaha illallah, wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahu al-mulk, wa lahu al-hamd, yuhyi wa yumeet, wa huwa hayyun la yamootu abadan abada. Dhu al-jalali wal-ikram. Bi yadihil-khayr, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer.
4th Kalma Tauheed in English words
There is no god but Allah, alone, without any partner. His is the dominion, and his is the praise. He gives life and causes death, and He is ever-living, and He never dies. In His hand is all good, and He is over all things competent.

4th Kalma Tauheed ki fazilat (benefits)
Advantages of Kalma (fazilat) in five simple Urdu lines:
- By accepting word Tawheed, a person’s faith is strong, and he confirms the unity of God.
- The action of this word provides a simple and clear path towards the affirmation of faith.
- The acceptance of Kalma e Tauheed helps Muslims to worship them in the light of a common tradition and to live life in a harmonious way.
- The teaching of this word guides humans in the way of faith piety, unity, and justice and strengthens their spirituality.
- By accepting word Tauheed, Muslims guide their lives towards the ultimate purpose and become the source of god’s pleasure.
Four Kalma Tauheed with tarjuma
“کلمہ توحیدکے فوائد
کلمہ توحید کو قبول کرنے سے ایک شخص کا ایمان مضبوط ہوتا ہے . اور وہ الله کی واحدیت کی پخت تصدیق کرتا ہے۔
اس کلمے کا عمل ایمان کی تصدیق کی طرف ایک سادہ اور واضح راستہ فراہم کرتا ہے۔
کلمہ توحید کا قبول مسلمانوں کو ایک مشترکہ روایات کی روشنی میں ان کی عبادت کو اور زندگی کو ایک مطابقتپسند طریقے سے گزارنے میں مدد فراہم کرتا ہے۔
اس کلمے کا تعلیم انسانوں کو ایمان کی تقوی، اتحاد، اور انصاف کی راہ میں ہدایت دیتا ہے . اور ان کی روحانیت کو مضبوط کرتا ہے۔
The four Kalma, also known as the Declaration of Faith or Testimony of Faith, is a cornerstone of Islam. It consists of two powerful Arabic sentences:
“La ilaha illa Allah” (There is no god but Allah): This emphasizes the core principle of Islam – Tawheed (oneness of God). It declares that there are no other deities worthy of worship, only Allah.
“Muhammadun Rasool Allah” (And Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah): This acknowledges the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the final messenger sent by Allah to guide humanity.
Significance of the 4th Kalma:
The four Kalma is more than just words; it’s a lifelong commitment. By reciting and believing in it, Muslims:
Declare their faith: Uttering the four Kalma signifies formal conversion to Islam.
Live by the principle of Tawheed: The Kalma serves as a constant reminder of worshipping only Allah.
Commit to following Muhammad’s teachings: Acknowledging Muhammad’s prophethood signifies a dedication to following his teachings and the Quran as a guide for life.
The four Kalma’s influence goes beyond the act of reciting it. It shapes a Muslim’s daily life in profound ways:
Prayer and Devotion: The call to prayer (Adhan) incorporates the four Kalma, reminding Muslims throughout the day of their dedication to Allah and the message brought by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Ethical Living: Following the teachings of Muhammad (peace be upon him) promotes honesty, compassion, and good deeds, reflecting the values embedded within the Kalma.
Strengthening Connection with God: The four Kalma serves as a constant reminder of their faith and their relationship with Allah.
Absolutely! Here are a few suggestions:
Explore online resources about Islam and the Five Pillars of Islam, which the four Kalma signifies embracing.
Consider listening to recordings of the four Kalma being recited in Arabic to get a feel for its beauty and power.
If you know Muslims in your community, you can have a respectful conversation with them about the importance of the 4th Kalma in their lives.