In the tapestry of Islamic faith, the concept of Tawhid (oneness of God) reigns supreme. The 6th kalma, also known as Radde Kufr (rejection of disbelief), serves as a powerful declaration that echoes this core principle. This profound statement transcends mere words, acting as a cornerstone of Muslim identity, a reaffirmation of faith, and a gateway to spiritual growth.
Unveiling the Meaning of the 6th Kalma
The Arabic words of the 6th kalma, “Allahuma inni a’outhu bika an ushrihka bi shay’in a’lamuhu wa astaghfiruka lima la a’lamuhu tubtu minhu wa bara’tu minhu wa la’antuhu wa walahtu al-Islaama wa ahluhu wa aamantu bih,” resonate with a powerful meaning:
“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from associating anything with You in a way that I know. And I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know. I repent from it and I disassociate myself from it and I curse it, and I turn to Islam and its people, and I believe in it.”
The 6th kalma doesn’t just express a belief in one God; it actively rejects all forms of shirk (polytheism) and idolatry. By reciting it, Muslims declare their unwavering devotion to Allah and seek forgiveness for any unintentional acts that might be construed as associating partners with Him.
The Enduring Significance of six Kalma
The 6th kalma holds immense significance within the Islamic faith:
- Strengthening Tawhid: This declaration serves as a constant reminder and reinforcement of the core principle of Tawhid. By actively rejecting shirk, Muslims solidify their belief in the absolute oneness of God.
- Renewing Commitment: Reciting the 6th kalma acts as a powerful act of renewal, reaffirming a Muslim’s dedication to the core tenets of Islam.
- Seeking Forgiveness: The act of seeking forgiveness acknowledges human fallibility. The 6th kalma allows Muslims to seek Allah’s pardon for any unintentional missteps or acts that might unknowingly verge on shirk.
- Spiritual Growth: The regular recitation of the 6th kalma fosters spiritual development. By actively rejecting all forms of disbelief and seeking Allah’s forgiveness, Muslims pave the way for a deeper connection with the Divine.
A Personal Reflection (Optional)
(Include a brief personal story about the impact of the 6th kalma in your life. This could be a time when reciting it reaffirmed your faith or helped someone you know embrace Islam.)
A Lifelong Commitment
The Six Kalma is more than just words spoken during conversion to Islam; it’s a lifelong commitment. By incorporating its recitation into their daily lives, Muslims can continuously reaffirm their faith, seek forgiveness, and cultivate a deeper connection with Allah. The power of the 6th kalma lies in its simplicity and profound meaning, serving as a guiding light on the path of spiritual growth and unwavering belief.
The 1st Kalma: Cornerstone of Faith in Islam |
Kalma Shahadat |
3rd kalma in arabic |
The 4th Kalma: A Foundation of Faith |
5th kalma in arabic |
ششواں کلمہ رد کفر کہلاتا ہے، جو ایک مسلمان کی شناخت اور ایمان کی تصدیق کا اظہار کرتا ہے۔ اس کلمہ میں کفر سے انکار کی شہادت دی جاتی ہے. اور یہ ایک اسلامی اعتقاد کو ظاہر کرتا ہے کہ الله تعالی کے سوا کوئی اور معبود نہیں ہے. اور محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم ان کے آخری رسول ہیں۔ اس کلمہ کو پڑھ کر کسی شخص کا اسلام کی طرف رجوع کیا جاتا ہے. اور وہ مسلمان بن جاتا ہے۔
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

6th Kalma in Arabic verses
اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنّىِ اَعُوْذُبِكَ مِنْ اَنْ اُشْرِكَ بِكَ شَيْئًا وَّاَنَآ اَعْلَمُ بِهٖ وَاَسْتَغْفِرُكَ لِمَا لَآ اَعْلَمُ بِهٖ تُبْتُ عَنْهُ وَتَبَرَّأْتُ مِنَ الْكُفْرِ وَالشِّرْكِ وَالْكِذْبِ وَالْغِيْبَةِ وَالْبِدْعَةِ وَالنَّمِيْمَةِ وَالْفَوَاحِشِ وَالْبُهْتَانِ وَالْمَعَاصِىْ كُلِّهَا وَاَسْلَمْتُ وَاَقُوْلُ لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَّسُوْلُ اللّٰهِ
Six Kalma transliteration:
Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min an ushrika bika shay’an wa ana a’lamu bihi wa astaghfiruka lima la a’lamu bihi tubtu ‘anhu wa tabarratu min al-kufri wa ash-shirki wa al-kadhibi wa al-ghibati wa al-bid’ati wa an-namimati wa al-fawahishi wa al-buhtani wa al-ma’asi kulliha wa aslamtu wa aqulu la ilaha illallah Muhammadur rasulullah.
Six Kalma Urdu translation:
اللہم میں تجھ سے پناہ چاہتا ہوں کہ میں تیرے ساتھ کسی چیز کو شریک نہ بناؤں. جس کا مجھے علم ہے. اور میں تجھ سے بخشش مانگتا ہوں وہ چیز جس کا میرے علم میں نہیں ہے۔ میں اس سے توبہ کرتا ہوں . اور کفر، شرک، جھوٹ، چغل خوری، بدعت، چغل خوری، بے حیائی، بدنامی، اور گناہوں سے پاک ہوجاتا ہوں۔ میں اسلام قبول کرتا ہوں اور یہ کہتا ہوں کہ لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ ہے۔
Six Kalma with English translation:
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from associating anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I do not know. I repent from it, and I disassociate myself from disbelief, polytheism, lying, backbiting, innovation, slander, indecency, false accusations, and all forms of sin. I submit and declare that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Six Kalma benefits in English
The benefits of the six Kalma are the following four effective points:
- The recitation and acceptance of the 6th kalma eliminates the jealousy of man’s disbelief and accepts his repentance.
- This kalma causes a person to have a correct understanding and affirmation of Islam.
- By reading the 6th kalma , a person is through the unity of Allah and the prophethood of muhammad.
- By reciting 6th Kalma, the person’s faith is strong, and he becomes part of the Islamic party and joins Muslims.
ششواں کلمہ (کلمہ رد کفر) کے فائدے : مندیوں میں درج ذیل چار موثر نکات ہیں
.ششواں کلمہ کی تلاوت اور قبولیت سے انسان کی کفر کے جلن کو ختم کرتی ہے. اور اس کی توبہ کو قبولیت عنایت کرتی ہے
.یہ کلمہ ایک شخص کو اسلام کی صحیح سمجھ اور تصدیق کرنے کا سبب بناتا ہے
.ششواں کلمہ کے پڑھنے سے ایک شخص کو الله کے واحدیت اور محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی نبوت کی معرفت ہوتی ہے
.اس کلمہ کی تلاوت سے شخص کا ایمان مضبوط ہوتا ہے. اور وہ اسلامی جماعت کا حصہ بن کر مسلمانوں کے ساتھ رفاقت کرتا ہے
The 6th kalma, also known as Radde Kufr, is a powerful declaration recited by Muslims. It translates to “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from associating anything with You in a way that I know. And I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know. I repent from it, and I disassociate myself from it and I curse it, and I turn to Islam and its people, and I believe in it.”
This statement signifies more than just belief in one God. It actively rejects all forms of polytheism (shirk) and idolatry. By reciting six Kalma, Muslims reaffirm their unwavering faith in Allah and seek forgiveness for any unintentional acts that might be construed as associating partners with Him.
Six Kalma holds immense significance for several reasons:
Strengthens Tawhid (oneness of God): This declaration serves as a constant reminder of the core principle of Tawhid. By actively rejecting shirk, Muslims solidify their belief in the absolute oneness of God.
Renews Commitment: Reciting the six Kalma acts as a powerful act of renewal, reaffirming a Muslim’s dedication to the core tenets of Islam.
Seeks Forgiveness: The act of seeking forgiveness acknowledges human fallibility. six Kalma allows Muslims to seek Allah’s pardon for any unintentional missteps or acts that might unknowingly verge on shirk.
Promotes Spiritual Growth: The regular recitation of six Kalma fosters spiritual development. By actively rejecting all forms of disbelief and seeking Allah’s forgiveness, Muslims pave the way for a deeper connection with the Divine.
The beauty of six Kalma lies in its simplicity. Here are some ways to seamlessly integrate it into your daily routine:
Recite it upon waking up and before going to sleep.
Say it after committing a mistake, no matter how big or small.
Incorporate it into your daily prayers.
Make it a habit to recite six Kalma throughout the day, especially during moments of difficulty or temptation.
Remember, Six Kalma is a lifelong commitment to rejecting disbelief and strengthening your faith in Allah. By incorporating it into your daily life, you can cultivate a deeper connection with God and experience the peace and blessings it offers.